1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3702, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H3702DE1), as follows:
1.3Page 3, after line 14, insert:
1.4 "Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 84.415, is amended by adding a subdivision
1.5to read:
1.6 Subd. 3a. Joint applications for residential use. An application for a utility
1.7license may cover more than one type of utility if the utility lines are being installed for
1.8residential use only. Separate applications submitted by utilities for the same crossing
1.9shall be joined together and processed as one application, provided that the applications
1.10are submitted within one year of each other and the utility lines are for residential use only.
1.11The application fees for a joint application or separate applications subsequently joined
1.12together shall be as if only one application was submitted."
1.13Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.14Amend the title accordingly