1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 7, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H0007DE2), as follows:
1.3Page 4, after line 34, insert:
1.4 "Sec. 10.Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 471.61, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1.5 Subdivision 1.
Officers, employees. A county, municipal corporation, town, school
1.6district, county extension committee, other political subdivision or other body corporate
1.7and politic of this state, other than the state or any department of the state, through its
1.8governing body, and any two or more subdivisions acting jointly through their governing
1.9bodies, may insure or protect its or their officers and employees, and their dependents, or
1.10any class or classes of officers, employees, or dependents, under a policy or policies or
1.11contract or contracts of group insurance or benefits covering life, health, and accident, in
1.12the case of employees, and medical and surgical benefits and hospitalization insurance
1.13or benefits for both employees and dependents or dependents of an employee whose
1.14death was due to causes arising out of and in the course of employment, or any one or
1.15more of those forms of insurance or protection. A governmental unit, including county
1.16extension committees and those paying their employees, may pay all or any part of
1.17the premiums or charges on the insurance or protection. A payment is deemed to be
1.18additional compensation paid to the officers or employees, but for purposes of determining
1.19contributions or benefits under a public pension or retirement system it is not deemed
1.20to be additional compensation. One or more governmental units may determine that
1.21a person is an officer or employee if the person receives income from the governmental
1.22subdivisions without regard to the manner of election or appointment, including but not
1.23limited to employees of county historical societies that receive funding from the county
1.24and employees of the Minnesota Inter-county Association. The appropriate officer of
1.25the governmental unit, or those disbursing county extension funds, shall deduct from
1.26the salary or wages of each officer and employee who elects to become insured or so
1.27protected, on the officer's or employee's written order, all or part of the officer's or
2.1employee's share of premiums or charges and remit the share or portion to the insurer or
2.2company issuing the policy or contract.
2.3A governmental unit, other than a school district, that pays all or part of the premiums
2.4or charges is authorized to levy and collect a tax, if necessary, in the next annual tax levy
2.5for the purpose of providing the necessary money for the payment of the premiums or
2.6charges, and the sums levied and appropriated are not, in the event the sum exceeds the
2.7maximum sum allowed by the charter of a municipal corporation, considered part of
2.8the cost of government of the governmental unit as defined in any levy or expenditure
2.9limitation; provided at least 50 percent of the cost of benefits on dependents must be
2.10contributed by the employee or be paid by levies within existing charter tax limitations.
2.11The word "dependents" as used in this subdivision
means spouse and minor
2.12unmarried children under the age of 18 years actually dependent upon the employee must
2.13be determined by the governmental unit, or for employees represented by an exclusive
2.14representative, under the terms of a collective bargaining agreement.
2.15Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, a political subdivision described
2.16in this subdivision may provide health benefits to its employees, dependents, any class
2.17or classes of officers, employers, or dependents, and other eligible persons through
2.18negotiated contributions to self-funded multiemployer health and welfare funds."
2.19Page 5, line 4, before "
and" insert "
471.61, subdivision 1a; "
2.20Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.21Amend the title accordingly