1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 210, the fourth engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 12, line 14, delete "
by law"
1.3Page 12, line 16, delete "
1.4Page 12, line 17, after "
than" insert "
the actual cost of providing voter identification
1.5cards, not to exceed" and delete everything after the period
1.6Page 12, delete line 18
1.7Page 12, line 19, delete "
1.8Page 12, line 20, after the period, insert "
On June 30 of each odd-numbered year,
1.9any balance in the account is transferred to the general fund."
1.10Page 23, line 5 delete "
$2,700,000" and insert "
1.11Page 23, line 7, after the period, insert "
These are onetime appropriations."
1.12Page 23, line 10, after the second "
the" insert "
commissioner of management and
1.13budget for transfer to the"
1.14Page 23, line 13, after the period, insert "
The base for this appropriation is $215,000
1.15in fiscal year 2014 and each year after."