1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 934, the delete everything amendment
1.2(A11-0176), as follows:
1.3Page 32, line 28, delete "
January 15" and insert "
September 1"
1.4Page 32, line 29, delete "
as required for collective bargaining agreements under
1.5section 123B.05,"
1.6Page 32, delete line 30
1.7Page 32, line 31, delete everything before the comma
1.8Page 34, line 16, delete "
January 15" and insert "
September 1"
1.9Page 34, line 17, delete "
as required for collective bargaining agreements under
1.10section 123B.05,"
1.11Page 34, delete line 18
1.12Page 34, line 19, delete everything before the comma
1.13Page 44, line 29, delete "
only during the three-month period preceding September
1.141 when"
1.15Page 44, line 30, delete "
school is not in session" and insert "
between March 15
1.16and October 15 in an odd-numbered year"
1.17Page 44, line 31, delete "
September 1" and insert "
October 15"
1.18Page 44, line 33, delete "
1.19Page 45, line 6, after the period, insert "
The arbitrator's award must not cause a
1.20structural imbalance in a district's budget during the contract term that is subject to the
1.21arbitrator's award under this section. An award will not cause a structural imbalance
1.22only if district expenditures do not exceed available revenue, taking into account current
1.23state aid formulas and reasonable and comprehensive calculations and projections of the
1.24district's ongoing revenues and expenditures during the contract term. One-time revenue
1.25must not be considered when calculating or projecting available revenue for ongoing
1.26expenditures in a contract term."