1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 945, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 3, line 29, after "teachers" insert "under section 122A.06, subdivision 2"
1.3Page 5, after line 21, insert:
1.4"A teacher who does not meet both the growth and performance rating requirements
1.5in any clause (1) to (4) receives the next lower effectiveness rating that immediately
1.6follows the clause where the teacher met either the growth or the performance rating
1.8Page 6, after line 22, insert:
1.9"(g) A teacher who does not meet the requirements of a particular status designation
1.10under paragraph (c), (d), or (e) receives the next lower status designation under this
1.11subdivision. A teacher who does not meet the requirement of a standard designation under
1.12paragraph (b) has no status designation."
1.13Page 7, after line 11, insert:
1.14"(c) Beginning in 2014, the department annually by June 30 shall submit summary
1.15data on teachers' effectiveness under paragraph (a) to the Minnesota teacher preparation
1.16program or institution that prepared the teachers covered in that year's district and charter
1.17school reports to the department."
1.18Page 8, line 34, after "plan" insert "for"
1.19Page 11, after line 18, insert:

1.20    "Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 126C.10, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
1.21    Subd. 2. Basic revenue. The basic revenue for each district equals the formula
1.22allowance times the adjusted marginal cost pupil units for the school year. The formula
1.23allowance for fiscal year 2007 is $4,974. The formula allowance for fiscal year 2008 is
1.24$5,074 and, the formula allowance for fiscal year 2009 and subsequent years through
1.25fiscal year 2013 is $5,124, and the formula allowance for fiscal year 2014 and subsequent
1.26years is $5,174.
2.1EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for revenue for fiscal year 2013
2.2and later."
2.3Page 12, line 31, delete"an annual" and insert "a three-year"
2.4Page 19, line 13, delete "an annual" and insert "a three-year"
2.5Page 23, line 9, delete "until" and insert "as long as" and delete "no longer"
2.6Page 23, line 10, delete "has" and insert "maintains"
2.7Page 23, line 12, delete "until" and insert "as long as" and delete "no longer"
2.8Page 23, line 13, delete "has" and insert "maintains"
2.9Page 24, line 32, delete "develop a request for proposal to study and"
2.10Page 25, line 3, delete "develop a request for proposal to"
2.11Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.12Amend the title accordingly