1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1061, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 2, line 9, after "
Prairies" insert "
and Grasslands"
1.3Page 6, after line 30, insert:
(j) Native Prairie Report.
1.5By January 15, 2012, the Lessard-Sams
1.6Outdoor Heritage Council shall submit a
1.7report to the chairs and ranking minority
1.8members of the house of representatives
1.9and senate committees and divisions with
1.10jurisdiction over the outdoor heritage fund
1.11and environment and natural resources
1.12finance and policy that details the amount
1.13of native prairie protected, and enhanced
1.14and restored with outdoor heritage fund
1.15appropriations for fiscal years 2010, 2011,
1.16and 2012. The report must include:
1.17(1) the total number of acres of native prairie
1.18that have been protected; and
1.19(2) the total number of acres of native prairie
1.20that have been restored."
1.21Page 32, line 26, delete "