1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1339 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 24, after the period, insert "
Appointed nongovernmental members of
1.3the task force shall serve as staff for the task force and take on the responsibilities of
1.4coordinating meetings, reporting on committee recommendations, and providing other
1.5staff support as needed to meet the responsibilities of the task force as described in
1.6subdivision 3. Legislative appointment of nongovernmental members of the task force
1.7shall be conditioned upon agreement from the appointees to provide staff assistance to
1.8execute the work of the task force."
1.9Page 2, line 14, after the period, insert "
The task force shall be independently staffed
1.10and coordinated by the nongovernmental appointees who serve on the task force, and no
1.11state funding shall be appropriated for expenses related to the task force under this section."