1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1381, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 8, after line 8, insert:
1.3 "Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 127A.30, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1.4 Subdivision 1.
Membership and terms. (a) A state Permanent School Fund
1.5Advisory Committee is established to advise the Department of Natural Resources on
1.6the management of permanent school fund land, which is held in trust for the school
1.7districts of the state.
1.8(b) The advisory committee must consist of the following persons or their designees:
1.9the chairs of the education committees of the legislature, the chairs of the legislative
1.10committees with jurisdiction over the K-12 education budget, the chairs of the legislative
1.11committees with jurisdiction over the environment and natural resources policy and
1.12budget, the chair of the senate Committee on Finance and the chair of the house of
1.13representatives Committee on Ways and Means,
one house member of the minority party
1.14appointed by the minority leader, one senator of the minority party appointed pursuant
1.15to the rules of the senate, the commissioner of education, one superintendent from a
1.16nonmetropolitan district, one superintendent from a metropolitan area district,
one person
1.17with expertise on school finance matters, one person with an expertise in forestry, one
1.18person with an expertise in minerals and mining, one person with an expertise in real
1.19estate development, one person with an expertise in renewable energy, one person with an
1.20expertise in finance and land management, and one person with an expertise in natural
1.21resource conservation. The school district superintendents
and the member with expertise
1.22on school finance matters shall be appointed by the commissioner of education. The
1.23committee members with areas of expertise in forestry, minerals and mining, real estate
1.24development, renewable energy, finance and land management, and natural resource
1.25conservation shall be appointed by the commissioner of natural resources. Members of
1.26the legislature shall be given the opportunity to recommend candidates for vacancies on
1.27the committee to the commissioners of education and natural resources. The advisory
2.1committee must also include a nonvoting member appointed by the commissioner of
2.2natural resources.
2.3(c) The commissioner of natural resources shall provide administrative support to
2.4the committee.
2.5(d) The members of the committee shall serve without compensation. The members
2.6of the Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee shall elect their chair and are bound
2.7by the provisions of sections
43A.38 and
116P.09, subdivision 6.
2.8(e) The terms of members appointed by the commissioners of education and natural
2.9resources are staggered four-year terms according to section 15.059, subdivision 2.
2.10Members may be reappointed at the pleasure of the appointing authority. Members are
2.11subject to removal according to section 15.059, subdivision 4.
2.12(f) The other members of the Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee serve
2.13at the pleasure of their respective appointing authorities and their terms expire upon the
2.14appointment of their successors.
2.15EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment."
2.16Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.17Amend the title accordingly