1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2059 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 244.052, subdivision 6, is amended to
1.5 Subd. 6.
Administrative review. (a) An offender assigned or reassigned to
1.6risk level II or III under subdivision 3, paragraph (e) or (h), has the right to seek
1.7administrative review of an end-of-confinement review committee's risk assessment
1.8determination. The offender must exercise this right within 14 days of receiving notice
1.9of the committee's decision by notifying the chair of the committee. Upon receiving the
1.10request for administrative review, the chair shall notify: (1) the offender; (2) the victim
1.11or victims of the offender's offense who have requested disclosure or their designee; (3)
1.12the law enforcement agency that investigated the offender's crime of conviction or, where
1.13relevant, the law enforcement agency having primary jurisdiction where the offender was
1.14committed; (4) the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction where the offender expects
1.15to reside, providing that the release plan has been approved by the hearings and release
1.16unit of the department of corrections; and (5) any other individuals the chair may select.
1.17The notice shall state the time and place of the hearing. A request for a review hearing
1.18shall not interfere with or delay the notification process under subdivision 4 or 5, unless
1.19the administrative law judge orders otherwise for good cause shown.
1.20(b) An offender who requests a review hearing must be given a reasonable
1.21opportunity to prepare for the hearing. The review hearing shall be conducted on the
1.22record before an administrative law judge. The review hearing shall be conducted at
1.23the correctional facility in which the offender is currently confined. If the offender no
1.24longer is incarcerated, the administrative law judge shall determine the place where the
1.25review hearing will be conducted. The offender has the burden of proof to show, by a
1.26preponderance of the evidence, that the end-of-confinement review committee's risk
1.27assessment determination was erroneous. The attorney general or a designee shall defend
2.1the end-of-confinement review committee's determination. The offender has the right to
2.2be present
and be represented by counsel at the hearing, to present evidence in support
2.3of the offender's position, to call supporting witnesses and to cross-examine witnesses
2.4testifying in support of the committee's determination.
Counsel for indigent offenders
2.5shall be provided by the Legal Advocacy Project of the state public defender's office.
2.6(c) After the hearing is concluded, the administrative law judge shall decide
2.7whether the end-of-confinement review committee's risk assessment determination
2.8was erroneous and, based on this decision, shall either uphold or modify the review
2.9committee's determination. The judge's decision shall be in writing and shall include
2.10the judge's reasons for the decision. The judge's decision shall be final and a copy of it
2.11shall be given to the offender, the victim, the law enforcement agency, and the chair of
2.12the end-of-confinement review committee.
2.13(d) The review hearing is subject to the contested case provisions of chapter 14.
2.14(e) The administrative law judge may seal any portion of the record of the
2.15administrative review hearing to the extent necessary to protect the identity of a victim of
2.16or witness to the offender's offense.
2.17EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective August 1, 2012, and applies to review
2.18hearings requested on or after that date.
2.19 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 257.69, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
2.20 Subdivision 1.
Representation by counsel. In all proceedings under sections
257.74, any party may be represented by counsel. The county attorney shall
2.22represent the public authority.
The court shall appoint counsel for a party who is unable to
2.23pay timely for counsel In proceedings under sections
257.51 to
257.74, the court shall
2.24appoint counsel for a party who would be financially unable to obtain counsel under the
2.25guidelines set forth in section 611.17. The representation of appointed counsel is limited
2.26in scope to the issue of establishment of parentage.
2.27 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 260B.163, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
2.28 Subd. 4.
Appointment of counsel. (a) The child, parent, guardian or custodian has
2.29the right to effective assistance of counsel in connection with a proceeding in juvenile
2.30court. This right does not apply to a child who is charged with a juvenile petty offense
2.31as defined in section
260B.007, subdivision 16, unless the child is charged with a third
2.32or subsequent juvenile alcohol or controlled substance offense and may be subject to the
2.33alternative disposition described in section
260B.235, subdivision 6.
3.1(b) The court shall appoint counsel, or standby counsel if the child waives the right
3.2to counsel, for a child who is:
3.3(1) charged by delinquency petition with a gross misdemeanor or felony offense; or
3.4(2) the subject of a delinquency proceeding in which out-of-home placement has
3.5been proposed.
If they desire counsel but are unable to employ it, The court shall appoint counsel
3.7to represent the child
under section 611.14, clause (4), or the parents or guardian in any
3.8case in which it feels that such an appointment is appropriate
if the person would be
3.9financially unable to obtain counsel under the guidelines set forth in section 611.17, except
3.10a juvenile petty offender who does not have the right to counsel under paragraph (a).
If the
3.11court appoints standby or advisory counsel, the cost of counsel shall be paid for by the
3.12Office of the State Court Administrator with state funds or, if the prosecutor requests the
3.13appointment, by the governmental unit conducting the prosecution. In no event may the
3.14court order the Board of Public Defense to pay the cost of standby or advisory counsel.
3.15(d) Counsel for the child shall not also act as the child's guardian ad litem.
3.16 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 260B.331, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
3.17 Subd. 5.
Attorneys fees. (a) In proceedings in which the court has appointed
3.18counsel pursuant to section
260B.163, subdivision 4, for a minor unable to employ
3.19counsel, the court
may shall inquire into the ability of the parents to pay for such counsel's
3.20services and, after giving the parents a reasonable opportunity to be heard, may order
3.21the parents to pay attorneys fees.
3.22(b) The court may order a parent under paragraph (a) to reimburse the state for the
3.23cost of the child's appointed counsel. In determining the amount of reimbursement, the
3.24court shall consider the parent's income, assets, and employment. If reimbursement is
3.25required under this subdivision, the court shall order the reimbursement when counsel
3.26is first appointed or as soon as possible after the court determines that reimbursement
3.27is required. The court may accept partial reimbursement from a parent if the parent's
3.28financial circumstance warrant establishing a reduced reimbursement schedule. If the
3.29parent does not agree to make payments, the court may order the parent's employer to
3.30withhold a percentage of the parent's income to be turned over to the court.
3.31 Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 260C.163, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
3.32 Subd. 3.
Appointment of counsel. (a) The child, parent, guardian or custodian has
3.33the right to effective assistance of counsel in connection with a proceeding in juvenile
as provided in this subdivision.
4.1(b) Except in proceedings where the sole basis for the petition is habitual truancy, if
4.2the child, parent, guardian, or custodian desires counsel but is unable to employ it, the
4.3court shall appoint counsel to represent the child who is ten years of age or older
4.4section 611.14, clause (4), or the
parents or guardian parent, guardian, or custodian in any
4.5case in which it feels that such an appointment is appropriate
if the person would be
4.6financially unable to obtain counsel under the guidelines set forth in section 611.17.
4.7(c) In any proceeding where the sole basis for the petition is habitual truancy, the
4.8child, parent, guardian, and custodian do not have the right to appointment of a public
4.9defender or other counsel at public expense. However, before any out-of-home placement,
4.10including foster care or inpatient treatment, can be ordered, the court must appoint a
4.11public defender or other counsel at public expense in accordance with
paragraph (b)
4.12this subdivision.
4.13(d) Counsel for the child shall not also act as the child's guardian ad litem.
4.14(e) In any proceeding where the subject of a petition for a child in need of
4.15protection or services is not represented by an attorney, the court shall determine the
4.16child's preferences regarding the proceedings, if the child is of suitable age to express
4.17a preference.
4.18(f) Court-appointed counsel for the parent, guardian, or custodian under this
4.19subdivision is at county expense. If the county has contracted with counsel meeting
4.20qualifications under paragraph (g), the court shall appoint such counsel retained by the
4.21county, unless a conflict of interest exists. If a conflict exists, after consulting with the
4.22chief judge of the judicial district or the judge's designee, the county shall contract with
4.23competent counsel to provide the necessary representation. The court may appoint only
4.24one counsel at public expense for the first court hearing to represent the interests of the
4.25parents, guardians, and custodians, unless, at anytime during the proceedings upon petition
4.26of a party, the court determines and makes written findings on the record that extraordinary
4.27circumstances exist that require counsel to be appointed to represent a separate interest of
4.28other parents, guardians, or custodians subject to the jurisdiction of the juvenile court
4.29(g) Counsel retained by the county under paragraph (f) must meet the qualifications
4.30established by the Judicial Council in at least one of the following: (1) has a minimum of
4.31two years' experience handling child protection cases; (2) has training in handling child
4.32protection cases from a course or courses approved by the Judicial Council; or (3) is
4.33supervised by an attorney who meets the minimum qualifications under clause (1) or (2).
4.34 Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 260C.331, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
5.1 Subd. 5.
Attorneys fees. (a) In proceedings in which the court has appointed
5.2counsel pursuant to section
260C.163, subdivision 3, and 611.14, clause (4), for a minor
5.3unable to employ counsel, the court
may shall inquire into the ability of the parents to pay
5.4for such counsel's services and, after giving the parents a reasonable opportunity to be
5.5heard, may order the parents to pay attorneys fees.
5.6(b) In proceedings in which the court has appointed counsel pursuant to section
5.7260C.163, subdivision 3, for a parent, guardian, or custodian, the court shall inquire into
5.8the ability of the parents, guardians, or custodians to pay for such counsel's services and,
5.9after giving these persons a reasonable opportunity to be heard, may order the appropriate
5.10person to pay attorneys fees.
5.11(c) The court may order the appropriate person or persons under paragraph (a) or (b),
5.12or both, to reimburse the governmental unit providing counsel for the cost of appointed
5.13counsel. In determining the amount of reimbursement, the court shall consider the
5.14appropriate person's income, assets, and employment. If reimbursement is required under
5.15this subdivision, the court shall order the reimbursement when counsel is first appointed or
5.16as soon as possible after the court determines that reimbursement is required. The court
5.17may accept partial reimbursement from a person if the person's financial circumstances
5.18warrant establishing a reduced reimbursement schedule. If the person does not agree to
5.19make payments, the court may order the person's employer to withhold a percentage of the
5.20person's income to be turned over to the court.
5.21 Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 609.115, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
5.22 Subd. 4.
Confidential sources of information. (a) Any report made pursuant to
5.23subdivision 1 shall be, if written, provided to counsel for all parties before sentence.
5.24The written report shall not disclose confidential sources of information unless the
5.25court otherwise directs. On the request of the prosecuting attorney or the defendant's
5.26attorney a summary hearing in chambers shall be held on any matter brought in issue,
5.27but confidential sources of information shall not be disclosed unless the court otherwise
5.28directs. If the presentence report is given orally the defendant or the defendant's attorney
5.29shall be permitted to hear the report.
5.30(b) Any report made under subdivision 1 or 2 shall be provided to counsel for
5.31the defendant for purposes of representing the defendant on any appeal or petition for
5.32postconviction relief. The reports shall be provided by the court and the commissioner of
5.33corrections at no cost to the defendant or the defendant's attorney.
5.34 Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 609.131, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
6.1 Subdivision 1.
General rule. Except as provided in subdivision 2, an alleged
6.2misdemeanor violation must be treated as a petty misdemeanor if the prosecuting attorney
6.3believes that it is in the interest of justice that the defendant not be imprisoned if convicted
6.4and certifies that belief to the court at or before the time of arraignment or pretrial hearing,
6.5and the court approves of the certification motion.
Prior to the appointment of a public
6.6defender to represent a defendant charged with a misdemeanor, the court shall inquire of
6.7the prosecutor whether the prosecutor intends to certify the case as a petty misdemeanor.
6.8The defendant's consent to the certification is not required. When an offense is certified
6.9as a petty misdemeanor under this section, the
defendant's eligibility for court-appointed
6.10counsel must be evaluated as though the offense were a misdemeanor defendant is not
6.11eligible for the appointment of a public defender.
6.12 Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 611.14, is amended to read:
6.14 The following persons who are financially unable to obtain counsel are entitled to be
6.15represented by a public defender:
6.16 (1) a person charged with a felony, gross misdemeanor, or misdemeanor including a
6.17person charged under sections
629.01 to
6.18 (2) a person appealing from a conviction of a felony
or, gross misdemeanor,
6.19misdemeanor, or a person convicted of a felony
or, gross misdemeanor,
or misdemeanor,
6.20who is pursuing a postconviction proceeding and who has not already had a direct appeal
6.21of the conviction;
6.22 (3) a person who is entitled to be represented by counsel under section
6.23subdivision 2
; or
6.24 (4) a minor ten years of age or older who is entitled to be represented by counsel
6.25under section
260B.163, subdivision 4, or
260C.163, subdivision 3.
6.26EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective August 1, 2012, and applies to
6.27offenses committed on or after that date.
6.28 Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 611.16, is amended to read:
6.30Any person described in section
611.14 or any other person entitled by law to
6.31representation by counsel, may at any time request the court in which the matter is pending,
6.32or the court in which the conviction occurred, to appoint a public defender to represent
7.1the person.
In a proceeding defined by clause (2) of section
611.14, application for the
7.2appointment of a public defender may also be made to a judge of the Supreme Court.
7.3 Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 611.17, is amended to read:
7.6 (a) Each judicial district must screen requests for representation by the district public
7.7defender. A defendant is financially unable to obtain counsel if:
7.8 (1) the defendant
, or any dependent of the defendant who resides in the same
7.9household as the defendant, receives means-tested governmental benefits; or is charged
7.10with a misdemeanor and has an annual household income not greater than 125 percent of
7.11the poverty guidelines updated periodically in the Federal Register by the United States
7.12Department of Health and Human Services under the authority of United States Code,
7.13title 42, section 9902(2);
7.14(2) the defendant is charged with a gross misdemeanor and has an annual household
7.15income not greater than 150 percent of the poverty guidelines updated periodically in the
7.16Federal Register by the United States Department of Health and Human Services under
7.17the authority of United States Code, title 42, section 9902(2);
7.18(3) the defendant is charged with a felony and has an annual household income not
7.19greater than 175 percent of the poverty guidelines updated periodically in the Federal
7.20Register by the United States Department of Health and Human Services under the
7.21authority of United States Code, title 42, section 9902(2); or
7.22 (2) (4) the court determines that the defendant, through any combination of liquid
7.23assets and current income, would be unable to pay the reasonable costs charged by private
7.24counsel in that judicial district for a defense of the same matter.
7.25 (b) Upon a request for the appointment of counsel, the court shall make
inquiry into the determination of financial
circumstances eligibility under
7.27paragraph (a) of the applicant, who shall submit a financial statement under oath or
7.28affirmation setting forth the applicant's assets and liabilities, including the value of any
7.29real property owned by the applicant, whether homestead or otherwise, less the amount of
7.30any encumbrances on the real property, the source or sources of income, and any other
7.31information required by the court. The applicant shall be under a continuing duty while
7.32represented by a public defender to disclose any changes in the applicant's financial
7.33circumstances that might be relevant to the applicant's eligibility for a public defender.
7.34The state public defender shall furnish appropriate forms for the financial statements
7.35which must be used by the district courts throughout the state. The forms must contain
8.1conspicuous notice of the applicant's continuing duty to disclose to the court changes in the
8.2applicant's financial circumstances. The forms must also contain conspicuous notice of the
8.3applicant's obligation to make a co-payment for the services of the district public defender,
8.4as specified under paragraph (c). The information contained in the statement shall be
8.5confidential and for the exclusive use of the court and the public defender
appointed by
8.6the court to represent the applicant except for any prosecution under section
609.48. A
8.7refusal to execute the financial statement or produce financial records constitutes a waiver
8.8of the right to the appointment of a public defender. The court shall not appoint a
8.9public defender to a defendant who is financially able to retain private counsel but refuses
8.10to do so
, refuses to execute the financial statement or refuses to provide information
8.11necessary to determine financial eligibility under this section, or waives the appointment
8.12of a public defender under section 611.19.
8.13 An inquiry to determine financial eligibility of a defendant for the appointment of
8.14the district public defender shall be made whenever possible prior to the court appearance
8.15and by such persons as the court may direct. This inquiry may be combined with the
8.16prerelease investigation provided for in Minnesota Rule of Criminal Procedure 6.02,
8.17subdivision 3. In no case shall the district public defender be required to perform this
8.18inquiry or investigate the defendant's assets or eligibility. The court has the sole duty to
8.19conduct a financial inquiry. The inquiry must include the following:
8.20 (1) the liquidity of real estate assets, including the defendant's homestead;
8.21 (2) any assets that can be readily converted to cash or used to secure a debt;
8.22 (3) the determination of whether the transfer of an asset is voidable as a fraudulent
8.23conveyance; and
8.24 (4) the value of all property transfers occurring on or after the date of the alleged
or notice of the action. The burden is on the accused to show that the accused is
8.26financially unable to afford counsel. Defendants who fail to provide information necessary
8.27to determine eligibility shall be deemed ineligible. The court must not appoint the district
8.28public defender as advisory counsel
or standby counsel. If the court appoints advisory
8.29or standby counsel, the cost of counsel shall be paid for by the Office of the State Court
8.30Administrator or, if the prosecutor requests the appointment, by the governmental unit
8.31conducting the prosecution. In no event may the court order the Board of Public Defense
8.32to pay the cost of advisory or standby counsel.
8.33 (c) Upon disposition of the case, an individual who has received public defender
8.34services shall pay to the court a $75 co-payment for representation provided by a public
8.35defender, unless the co-payment is, or has been,
reduced in part or waived by the court.
9.1 The co-payment must be credited to the general fund. If a term of probation is
9.2imposed as a part of an offender's sentence, the co-payment required by this section must
9.3not be made a condition of probation. The co-payment required by this section is a civil
9.4obligation and must not be made a condition of a criminal sentence.
9.5 Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 611.18, is amended to read:
9.7If it appears to a court that a person requesting the appointment of counsel satisfies
9.8the requirements of this chapter, the court shall order the
appropriate public defender to
9.9represent the person
at all further stages of the proceeding through appeal, if any. For a
9.10person appealing from a conviction, or a person pursuing a postconviction proceeding
9.11and who has not already had a direct appeal of the conviction, according to the standards
9.12of sections
611.14, clause (2), and
611.25, subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause (2), the
9.13state chief appellate public defender shall be appointed. For a person covered by section
, clause (1)
, (3), or (4),
a the chief district public defender shall be appointed to
9.15represent that person.
If (a) conflicting interests exist, (b) the district public defender for
9.16any other reason is unable to act, or (c) the interests of justice require, the state public
9.17defender may be ordered to represent a person. When the state public defender is directed
9.18by a court to represent a defendant or other person, the state public defender may assign
9.19the representation to any district public defender. If at any stage of the proceedings
9.20including an appeal, the court finds that the defendant is financially unable to pay counsel
9.21whom the defendant had retained, the court may appoint the
appropriate public defender
9.22to represent the defendant, as provided in this section. Prior to any court appearance, a
9.23public defender may represent a person accused of violating the law, who appears to be
9.24financially unable to obtain counsel, and shall continue to represent the person unless it
9.25is subsequently determined that the person is financially able to obtain counsel. The
9.26representation may be made available at the discretion of the public defender, upon the
9.27request of the person or someone on the person's behalf. Any law enforcement officer may
9.28notify the public defender of the arrest of any such person.
9.29 Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 611.20, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
9.30 Subd. 4.
Employed defendants; ability to pay. (a) A court
shall may order
9.31a defendant
who is employed when a public defender is appointed, or who becomes
9.32employed while represented by a public defender, to reimburse the state for the cost of the
9.33public defender.
In determining the amount of reimbursement, the court shall consider
9.34the defendant's income, assets, and employment. If reimbursement is required under
10.1this subdivision, the court shall order the reimbursement when a public defender is first
10.2appointed or as soon as possible after the court determines that reimbursement is required.
10.3The court may accept partial reimbursement from the defendant if the defendant's financial
10.4circumstances warrant
establishing a reduced reimbursement schedule.
The court may
10.5consider the guidelines in subdivision 6 in determining a defendant's reimbursement
10.6schedule. If a defendant does not agree to make payments, the court may order the
10.7defendant's employer to withhold a percentage of the defendant's income to be turned over
10.8to the court.
The percentage to be withheld may be determined under subdivision 6.
10.9(b) If a court determines under section 611.17 that a defendant is financially unable to
10.10pay the reasonable costs charged by private counsel due to the cost of a private retainer fee,
10.11the court shall evaluate the defendant's ability to make partial payments or reimbursement.
10.12 Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 611.25, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
10.13 Subdivision 1.
Representation. (a) The chief appellate public defender shall
10.14represent, without charge:
10.15 (1) a defendant or other person appealing from a conviction of a felony
, or gross
, or misdemeanor;
10.17 (2) a person convicted of a felony
, or gross misdemeanor
, or misdemeanor who is
10.18pursuing a postconviction proceeding and who has not already had a direct appeal of
10.19the conviction; and
10.20 (3) a child who is appealing from a delinquency adjudication or from an extended
10.21jurisdiction juvenile conviction.
10.22 (b) The chief appellate public defender may represent, without charge, all other
10.23persons pursuing a postconviction remedy under section
590.01, who are financially
10.24unable to obtain counsel.
10.25 (c) The chief appellate public defender shall not represent a person in any action or
10.26proceeding in which a party is seeking a monetary judgment, recovery or award.
10.27EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective August 1, 2012, and applies to
10.28offenses committed on or after that date.
10.29 Sec. 15. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 611.26, subdivision 6, is amended to read:
10.30 Subd. 6.
Persons defended. The district public defender shall represent, without
10.31charge, a defendant charged with a felony, a gross misdemeanor, or misdemeanor when
10.32so directed by the district court. The district public defender shall also represent a minor
10.33ten years of age or older in the juvenile court when so directed by the juvenile court.
10.34The district public defender must not serve as advisory counsel
or standby counsel. The
11.1juvenile court may not order the district public defender to represent a minor who is under
11.2the age of ten years, to serve as a guardian ad litem, or to represent a guardian ad litem.
11.3 Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 611.27, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
11.4 Subd. 5.
District public defender budgets and county payment responsibility.
11.5The Board of Public Defense
may only fund those items and services in district
11.6public defender budgets which were included in the original budgets of district public
11.7defender offices as of January 1, 1990. All other public defense related costs remain the
11.8responsibility of the counties unless the state specifically appropriates for these. The
11.9cost of additional state funding of these items and services must be offset by reductions
11.10in local aids in the same manner as the original state takeover is solely responsible to
11.11provide counsel in adult criminal and juvenile cases, as specified under section 611.14.
11.12The court shall not appoint counsel at county expense for representation under section
11.13611.14, except as provided in section 611.26, subdivision 3a, paragraph (c).
11.14 Sec. 17. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 611.27, is amended by adding a subdivision
11.15to read:
11.16 Subd. 16. Appeal by prosecuting attorney; attorney fees. (a) When a prosecuting
11.17attorney appeals to the Court of Appeals, in any criminal case, from any pretrial order
11.18of the district court, reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred shall be allowed to the
11.19defendant on the appeal which shall be paid by the governmental unit responsible for the
11.20prosecution involved in accordance with paragraph (b).
11.21(b) By January 15, 2013, and every year thereafter, the chief judge of the judicial
11.22district, after consultation with city and county attorneys, the chief public defender, and
11.23members of the private bar in the district, shall establish a reimbursement rate for attorneys
11.24fees and costs associated with representation under paragraph (a). The compensation to be
11.25paid to an attorney for such service rendered to a defendant under this subdivision may
11.26not exceed $5,000, exclusive of reimbursement for expenses reasonably incurred, unless
11.27payment in excess of that limit is certified by the chief judge of the district as necessary to
11.28provide fair compensation for services of an unusual character or duration.
11.29 Sec. 18.
11.30Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 611.20, subdivision 6, is repealed."
11.31Amend the title accordingly