1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2095, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 4, line 3, delete "applicant"
1.3Page 4, delete lines 7 to 33, and insert:
1.4"(f) Upon the agency's request, an applicant relying on a permit professional must
1.5participate in a meeting with the agency before submitting an application:
1.6(1) during the preapplication meeting, the applicant must submit at least the
1.8(i) project description, including, but not limited to, scope of work, primary
1.9emissions points, discharge outfalls, and water intake points;
1.10(ii) location of the project, including county, municipality, and location on the site;
1.11(iii) business schedule for project completion; and
1.12(iv) other information requested by the agency at least two weeks prior to the
1.13scheduled meeting; and
1.14    (2) during the preapplication meeting, the agency shall provide for the applicant at
1.15least the following:
1.16(i) an overview of the permit review program;
1.17(ii) a determination of which specific application or applications will be necessary
1.18to complete the project;
1.19(iii) a statement notifying the applicant if the specific permit being sought requires a
1.20mandatory public hearing or comment period;
1.21(iv) a review of the timetable established in the permit review program for the
1.22specific permit being sought; and
1.23(v) a determination of what information must be included in the application,
1.24including a description of any required modeling or testing.
1.25(g) The applicant may select a permit professional to undertake the preparation
1.26of the permit application and draft permit.
2.1(h) A permit application submitted by a permit professional shall be deemed
2.2complete unless the terms and conditions in the application submitted by the permit
2.3professional are clearly erroneous under statute or rule. The agency shall, within five
2.4business days of receipt of an application, notify the applicant and submitting permit
2.5professional that the application is complete or is denied, specifying the deficiencies
2.6of the application.
2.7(i) Upon receipt of notice that the application is complete, the permit professional
2.8shall submit to the agency a timetable for submitting a draft permit. The permit
2.9professional shall submit a draft permit on or before the date provided in the timetable.
2.10Within 60 days after the close of the public comment period and public hearing, the
2.11commissioner shall notify the applicant whether the permit is approved."
2.12Page 7, line 20, delete "a special" and insert "an" and after "account" insert "in
2.13the special revenue fund"
2.14Page 7, line 21, delete "any state agency" and insert "the commissioner"