1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2097 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 119B.13, subdivision 3a, is amended to
1.5 Subd. 3a.
Provider rate differential for accreditation. A family child care
1.6provider or child care center shall be paid a 15 percent differential above the maximum
1.7rate established in subdivision 1, up to the actual provider rate, if the provider or center
1.8holds a current early childhood development credential or is accredited. For a family
1.9child care provider, early childhood development credential and accreditation includes
1.10an individual who has earned a child development associate degree, a child development
1.11associate credential, a diploma in child development from a Minnesota state technical
1.12college, or a bachelor's or post baccalaureate degree in early childhood education from
1.13an accredited college or university, or who is accredited by the National Association
1.14for Family Child Care or the Competency Based Training and Assessment Program.
1.15For a child care center, accreditation includes accreditation
by that meets the following
1.16criteria: the accrediting organization must demonstrate the use of standards that promote
1.17the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of children. The accreditation
1.18standards shall include, but are not limited to, positive interactions between adults and
1.19children, age-appropriate learning activities, a system of tracking children's learning,
1.20use of assessment to meet children's needs, specific qualifications for staff, a learning
1.21environment that supports developmentally appropriate experiences for children, health
1.22and safety requirements, and family engagement strategies. The commissioner of human
1.23services, in conjunction with the commissioners of education and health, will develop an
1.24application and approval process based on the criteria in this section and any additional
1.25criteria. The process developed by the commissioner of human services must address
1.26periodic reassessment of approved accreditations. The commissioner of human services
1.27must report the criteria developed, the application, approval, and reassessment processes,
2.1and any additional recommendations by February 15, 2013, to the chairs and ranking
2.2minority members of the legislative committees having jurisdiction over early childhood
2.3issues. The following accreditations shall be recognized for the provider rate differential
2.4until an approval process is implemented: the National Association for the Education of
2.5Young Children, the Council on Accreditation, the National Early Childhood Program
2.6Accreditation, the National School-Age Care Association, or the National Head Start
2.7Association Program of Excellence. For Montessori programs, accreditation includes
2.8the American Montessori Society, Association of Montessori International-USA, or the
2.9National Center for Montessori Education."
2.10Amend the title accordingly