1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2294, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H2294DE2), as follows:
1.3Page 55, line 20, delete "
chemical dependency" and insert "
health and human
1.5Page 57, delete lines 28 to 32
1.6Page 58, line 9, after "
savings" insert "
as compared to base level costs in the February
1.72012 Department of Management and Budget forecast of revenues and expenditures"
1.8Page 58, line 13, before the period insert "
effective July 1, 2013"
1.9Page 58, line 15, delete "
2013" and insert "
1.10Page 58, lines 27, delete "
$3,671,000" and insert "
1.11Page 58, line 33, delete "
$3,671,000" and insert "
$3,907,000 in fiscal year 2014"
1.12Page 59, line 3, before the period insert "
effective July 1, 2013"
1.13Page 59, line 13, before "
$1,500,000" insert "
For fiscal year 2014, "
1.14Page 59, delete lines 16 to 32
1.15Page 60, line 27, delete "
$243,000" and insert "
1.16Page 62, delete lines 5 to 15
1.17Page 62, line 17, delete "
Absent Days. $190,000" and insert "
. $292,000"
1.18Page 64, delete lines 4 to 21
1.19Page 65, line 8, delete "
During" and insert "
Beginning in"
1.20Page 65, after line 16, insert:
"Subd. 3.Health Protection.
Appropriations by Fund
1.24Aliveness Project. $100,000 in fiscal year
1.252013 is for a grant to the Aliveness Project,
1.26a statewide nonprofit, for providing the
1.27health and wellness services it has provided
2.1to individuals throughout Minnesota since
2.2its inception in 1985. The activities and
2.3proposed outcomes supported by this
2.4onetime appropriation must further the
2.5comprehensive plan of the Department
2.6of Health, HIV/AIDS program. This is a
2.7onetime appropriation and is available until