1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2294, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H2294DE2), as follows:
1.3Page 35, line 19, delete the second "
1.4Page 35, line 20, delete "
or proposed" and delete "
copy of the provider's nursing"
1.5Page 35, line 21, delete "
assessment or"
1.6Page 35, line 22, before the period, insert "
prepared by a direct service employee
1.7with at least 20 hours of service to that client"
1.8Page 35, line 24, after "
assessment" insert "
and the person or the person's legal
1.10Page 43, line 31, delete the first "
or" and delete "
or proposed"
1.11Page 43, line 32, delete "
copy of the provider's assessment or"
1.12Page 43, line 33, before the period, insert "
prepared by a direct service employee
1.13with at least 20 hours of service to that client"
1.14Page 43, line 35, after "
team" insert "
and the person or the person's legal
1.16Page 44, line 13, delete the first "
or" and delete "
or proposed"
1.17Page 44, line 14, delete "
copy of the provider's assessment or"
1.18Page 44, line 15, before the period insert "
prepared by a direct service employee
1.19with at least 20 hours of service to that client"
1.20Page 44, line 17, after "
assessment" insert "
and the person or the person's legal