1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2294, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H2294DE2), as follows:
1.3Page 23, line 21, delete the new language and reinstate the stricken "the"
1.4Page 23, line 22, reinstate the stricken language and after "and" insert "
1.5consultation with"
1.6Page 23, line 23, delete the second "
and" and insert a comma and after "
1.7insert "
and mental health"
1.8Page 23, line 24, after the second comma insert "
and" and delete "
, including local"
1.9Page 23, line 25, delete the new language
1.10Page 23, line 27, after "
disabilities" insert "
and mental illnesses"
1.11Page 23, line 32, after "services" insert "
, housing options, and supports"
1.12Page 24, line 1, after "problems" insert "
, including access to the least restrictive
1.13and most integrated services and settings,"
1.14Page 24, line 2, after "availability" insert "
, including serving people in their home
1.15areas near family,"
1.16Page 24, line 5, after "resource" insert "
development and transition"
1.17Page 40, line 5, after "
(g)" insert "
, and the long-term services and support report
1.18required under section 144A.351"
1.19Page 40, line 9, delete "
areas" and insert "
limited specific low demand services or
1.20populations with low or no access" and delete "
1.21Page 40, line 10, delete "
service areas" and insert "
1.22Page 40, line 11, delete "
2013" and insert "
2015" and delete "
an" and insert "
1.23and delete "
and the determination of" and insert "
under section 144A.351"
1.24Page 40, line 12, delete everything before "
1.25Page 40, line 13, after "
delivering" insert "
low demand specialty" and delete "
1.26individuals" insert "
or serving low demand or very limited access populations"
1.27Page 40, delete line 14
2.1Page 40, line 15, delete everything before "