1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2430, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 30, line 24, reinstate "grants" and delete the new language
1.3Page 30, line 25, reinstate the stricken language and delete the new language
1.4Page 30, line 26, after "for" insert "
80 percent of the costs to predesign, design,
1.5and implement capital improvements that use storm water, reuse greater than 300,000
1.6gallons of wastewater per day, or use innovative technology that utilizes effluent from a
1.7commercial water-treatment system in order to reduce the use of groundwater"
1.8Page 30, lines 29 to 32, delete the new language
1.9Page 30, line 33, before "This" insert "
A grant awarded under this paragraph shall
1.10not be used to directly address existing or projected deficiencies in performance in order to
1.11meet state or federal environmental regulatory requirements."