1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2456 as follows:
1.2Page 8, line 13, after "information" insert "
about the person in accordance with
1.3applicable state and federal law, regulation, or rule"
1.4Page 11, line 1, delete "
well-being" and insert "
1.5Page 16, line 9, after "
provide" insert "
1.6Page 19, line 15, delete everything after "
means" and insert "
physical or mechanical
1.7limiting of the free and normal movement of body or limbs."
1.8Page 19, delete lines 16 and 17
1.9Page 19, line 18, delete everything after "
"Seclusion"" and insert "
means separating
1.10a recipient from others in a way that prevents social contact and prevents the recipient
1.11from leaving the situation if he or she chooses."
1.12Page 19, delete line 19
1.13Page 21, line 19, after "
(e)" insert "
Notwithstanding section 245D.06, subdivision 5,"
1.14Page 21, line 24, after the period, insert "
The license holder is subject to the
1.15prohibitions identified under section 245D.06, subdivision 5, for all persons without
1.16developmental disabilities receiving structured day, prevocational, or supported services."
1.17Page 28, line 31, delete "
, restraints, or seclusion"
1.18Page 28, line 32, after the period, insert "
The license holder is prohibited from using
1.19restraints or seclusion under any circumstance."
1.20Page 30, line 6, delete "
license holders" and insert "
service providers"
1.21Page 30, line 7, delete "
license holders" and insert "
service providers"
1.22Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.23Amend the title accordingly