1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2531 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 10, delete section 2, and insert:
1.3 "Sec. 2.
[518.161] MEDIATION.
1.4(a) When parties file for a dissolution of marriage in which child custody matters
1.5will be determined, the court shall send notice to the parties of the requirement for them to
1.6attend two hours of mediation to develop a parenting plan. The notice must be included
1.7with paperwork normally mailed to the parties by the court in regard to the initial hearing
1.8or initial case management conference. The court shall also include a form that lists the
1.9exceptions to the mediation requirement contained in paragraph (b).
1.10(b) Parties are not required to comply with the mediation requirement if:
1.11(1) one party has authorization from a court to proceed in forma pauperis or cannot
1.12afford mediation. However, the other party may agree to pay for the total cost of mediation;
1.13(2) section 518.179 applies;
1.14(3) there has been a finding by a court that a parent has committed domestic abuse
1.15against a parent or a child who is a party to, or subject of, the matter before the court;
1.16(4) one party is concerned for his or her personal safety;
1.17(5) the parties have agreed upon and submitted to the court a written parenting plan
1.18or final agreement regarding custody and parenting time; or
1.19(6) at the initial hearing or the initial case management conference, the court grants
1.20the request of a party to be relieved of the mediation requirement.
1.21(c) The two hours of mediation should be completed no later than 30 days from the
1.22date of filing. The parties must submit verification to the court that they have completed
1.23the mediation.
1.24(d) The court must order the parties to participate in mediation before the court may
1.25order the parties to participate in early neutral evaluation unless one of the exceptions
1.26in paragraph (b) apply."