1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2555, the third engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 12, after line 10, insert:
1.3 "Sec. 28.
1.4(a) As provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 3.97, subdivision 3a, paragraph
1.5(b), the Legislative Audit Commission is requested to direct the legislative auditor to
1.6prepare a scoping document in response to the Sunset Advisory Commission's request
1.7for an evaluation of the Minnesota Medical Practice Act and its implementation by the
1.8Minnesota Board of Medical Practice.
1.9(b) If the Office of the Legislative Auditor is not authorized to carry out the study
1.10in paragraph (a) by July 1, 2012, the commissioner of administration must contract for
1.11a programmatic and structural review of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice. The
1.12commissioner must contract with the Federation of State Medical Boards to conduct the
1.13study. A copy of the review's work plan must be submitted to the chair and vice-chair
1.14of the Sunset Advisory Commission for review and comment. The review must be
1.15completed and submitted to the Sunset Advisory Commission and the senate and house of
1.16representatives policy committees having jurisdiction over the board by January 1, 2013.
1.17(c) $45,000 from the state government special revenue fund is appropriated to the
1.18commissioner for the study. Up to five percent of the appropriation is available to the
1.19commissioner for administrative costs related to the study."
1.20Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.21Amend the title accordingly