1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2622, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 2, line 26, delete "298,000" and insert "281,000"
1.3Page 2, line 27, delete "325,429,000" and insert "325,412,000"
1.4Page 2, line 28, delete "260,277,000" and insert "250,260,000"
1.5Page 2, line 30, delete "20,000,000" and insert "30,000,000"
1.6Page 11, line 6, after the period, insert "Of this, $25,000 is for a grant to the city
1.7of Anoka for predesign of the renovation of the Rum River Dam to serve as a barrier to
1.8invasive species."
1.9Page 19, after line 6, insert:
"Subd. 8.St. Croix River Crossing
1.11For a grant to the city of Oak Park Heights,
1.12for capital improvement costs incurred by the
1.13city as a result of the trunk highway system
1.14project to construct a new bridge over the St.
1.15Croix River."
1.16Page 24, delete subdivision 10
1.17Renumber the subdivisions in sequence and correct the internal references
1.18Page 29, line 6, delete "305,429,000" and insert "295,412,000"
1.19Page 29, line 11, delete "20,000,000" and insert "30,000,000"
1.20Page 33, line 33, delete "$1,850,000" and insert "$740,000"
1.21Page 48, after line 4, insert:
1.22    "Subd. 6. Termination of appropriation of water from Poplar River.
1.23Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, 30 days after the works and systems to transport
1.24water from Lake Superior to Lutsen Mountains Corporation's snowmaking systems first
1.25become fully permitted and operational, the water district shall notify the commissioner of
1.26natural resources and all permits issued by the Department of Natural Resources to Lutsen
2.1Mountains Corporation to use or appropriate water from the Poplar River shall terminate.
2.2For the purposes of section 49, paragraph (b), the commissioner of natural resources shall
2.3notify the revisor of statutes in writing when the permits have been terminated."
2.4Page 48, delete section 49 and insert:

2.5    "Sec. 49. REPEALER.
2.6(a) Minnesota Rules, part 8895.0700, subpart 1, is repealed.
2.7(b)Laws 2011, chapter 107, section 101, is repealed effective the day the permits have
2.8been terminated under section 47, subdivision 6. The commissioner of natural resources
2.9shall notify the revisor of statutes in writing when the permits have been terminated."
2.10Amend the title accordingly
2.11Adjust amounts accordingly