1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 84, the third engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 4, line 11, delete everything after "(1)" and insert "is in violation of sections
1.3343.21; 343.24; 343.27; 343.28; 343.31; 343.37; 346.37; 346.38; 346.39; 346.44; and
1.5Page 4, line 14, after "convicted" insert ", other than a petty misdemeanor conviction,"
1.6Page 4, line 15, delete everything after "jurisdiction" and insert a semicolon
1.7Page 4, delete line 16
1.8Page 4, line 17, delete everything after "(5)" and insert "has had a substantially
1.9similar license denied, revoked, or suspended by another federal or state authority within
1.10the last five years; or"
1.11Page 4, delete line 18