1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 5, the fifth engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 7, delete subdivision 2 and insert:
1.3 "
Subd. 2. Operations funding. (a) Prior to January 1, 2015, the Minnesota
1.4Insurance Marketplace shall retain or collect up to 3.5 percent of total premiums for
1.5individual market and small group market health benefit plans sold through the Minnesota
1.6Insurance Marketplace to fund cash reserves of the Minnesota Insurance Marketplace, but
1.7the amount collected shall not exceed a dollar amount equal to 25 percent of the funds
1.8collected under section 62E.11, subdivision 6, for calendar year 2012.
1.9(b) Beginning January 1, 2015, the Minnesota Insurance Marketplace shall retain or
1.10collect up to 3.5 percent of premiums for individual market and small group market health
1.11benefit plans sold through the Minnesota Insurance Marketplace to fund operations of the
1.12Minnesota Insurance Marketplace, but the amount collected shall not exceed a dollar
1.13amount equal to 50 percent of the funds collected under section 62E.11, subdivision 6,
1.14for calendar year 2012.
1.15(c) Beginning January 1, 2016, the Minnesota Insurance Marketplace shall retain
1.16or collect up to 3.5 percent of premiums for individual market and small group market
1.17health benefit plans sold through the Minnesota Insurance Marketplace to fund operations
1.18of the Minnesota Insurance Marketplace, but the annual growth in the amount collected or
1.19retained shall not exceed the annual rate of inflation and may never exceed 100 percent of
1.20the funds collected under section 62E.11, subdivision 6, for calendar year 2012."