1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 5, the fifth engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 6, after line 35 insert:
(c) The board shall not have the power to regulate, influence, or restrict in any way
1.4health benefit plans that meet federal and state criteria, even if the health benefit plans do
1.5not include additional criteria established by the Minnesota Insurance Marketplace."
1.6Reletter the paragraphs in sequence
1.7Page 9, delete lines 6 to 12 and insert "
. The board shall not have the power to
1.8establish certification requirements beyond existing state and federal law for health benefit
1.9plans to be offered only outside the Minnesota Insurance Marketplace. Any health benefit
1.10plan that meets state and federal law must be allowed for sale outside the Minnesota
1.11Insurance Marketplace regardless of whether it meets the board's additional certification
1.12requirements for sale through the Minnesota Insurance Marketplace."