1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 9, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256L.031, subdivision 1, is amended to
1.5 Subdivision 1.
Defined contributions to enrollees. (a)
Beginning July 1, 2012,
1.6 The commissioner shall provide each MinnesotaCare enrollee
: (1) eligible under section
, subdivision 7, with family income
equal to or greater than
200 75 percent of
1.8the federal poverty guidelines
; and (2) eligible under section 256L.04, subdivisions 1
1.9and 1b, with family income greater than 150 percent of the federal poverty guidelines,
1.10with a monthly defined contribution to purchase health coverage under a health plan as
1.11defined in section
62A.011, subdivision 3.
1.12(b) Enrollees eligible under this section shall not be charged premiums under section
and are exempt from the managed care enrollment requirement of section
1.14(c) Sections
256L.05, subdivision 3; and
256L.11 do not apply to enrollees
1.15eligible under this section unless otherwise provided in this section. Covered services, cost
1.16sharing, disenrollment for nonpayment of premium, enrollee appeal rights and complaint
1.17procedures, and the effective date of coverage for enrollees eligible under this section shall
1.18be as provided under the terms of the health plan purchased by the enrollee.
1.19(d) Unless otherwise provided in this section, all MinnesotaCare requirements
1.20related to eligibility, income and asset methodology, income reporting, and program
1.21administration, continue to apply to enrollees obtaining coverage under this section.
1.22(e) The commissioner shall exclude children from participation under this section,
1.23if the federal government determines that the inclusion of children would violate the
1.24maintenance of effort requirement in section 2001 of the Affordable Care Act.
1.25(f) For purposes of this section, "Affordable Care Act" means Public Law 111-148,
1.26as amended by the federal Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Public
1.27Law 111-152), and any amendments to, or regulations or guidance issued under, those acts.
2.1EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2014.
2.2 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256L.031, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
2.3 Subd. 3.
Determination of defined contribution amount. (a) The commissioner
2.4shall determine the defined contribution sliding scale using the base contribution specified
2.5in this paragraph for the specified age ranges. The commissioner shall use a sliding scale
2.6for defined contributions that provides:
2.7(1) persons with household income equal to 76 percent of the federal poverty
2.8guidelines with a defined contribution of 125 percent of the base contribution;
2.9 (1) (2) persons with household incomes equal to 200 percent of the federal poverty
2.10guidelines with a defined contribution of 93 percent of the base contribution;
2.11 (2) (3) persons with household incomes equal to 250 percent of the federal poverty
2.12guidelines with a defined contribution of 80 percent of the base contribution;
2.13(4) persons with household incomes equal to or greater than 275 percent of the federal
2.14poverty guidelines with a defined contribution of 73 percent of the base contribution; and
2.15 (3) (5) persons with household incomes in evenly spaced increments between the
2.16percentages of the federal poverty guideline or income level specified in clauses (1)
, (2),
2.17(3), and
(2) (4) with a base contribution that is a percentage interpolated from the defined
2.18contribution percentages specified in clauses (1)
, (2), (3), and
(2) (4).
18 and under
2.28 (b) The commissioner shall multiply the defined contribution amounts developed
2.29under paragraph (a) by 1.20 for enrollees who purchase coverage through the Minnesota
2.30Comprehensive Health Association.
2.31EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2014.
2.32 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256L.031, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
2.33 Subd. 7.
Federal approval. The commissioner shall seek federal financial
2.34participation for the
adult enrollees eligible under this section.
The commissioner shall
2.35seek the enhanced federal match provided under section 2001 of the Affordable Care Act,
3.1for adults without children with incomes greater than 75 percent and not exceeding 138
3.2percent of the federal poverty guidelines, calculated using modified adjusted gross income
3.3as defined in section 2002 of the Affordable Care Act.
3.4EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment."
3.5Amend the title accordingly