1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 214, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H0214DE3), as follows:
1.3Page 15, line 14, after the period, insert "
In rural areas other than metropolitan
1.4statistical areas, the commissioner shall use the medical assistance competitive
1.5procurement process under section 256B.69, subdivisions 1 to 32, under which selection
1.6of entities is based on criteria related to provider network access, coordination of health
1.7care with other local services, alignment with local public health goals, and other factors."
1.8Page 15, line 29, delete "
1.9Page 15, after line 29, insert:
(3) complying with sections 256B.69, subdivision 3a; 256B.692, subdivision 1; and
1.11256B.694, when contracting with MinnesotaCare participating entities; and"
1.12Page 15, line 30, delete "
(3)" and insert "