1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 247 as follows:
1.2Page 1, after line 8, insert:

1.3    "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 120B.36, subdivision 1, is amended to
1.5    Subdivision 1. School performance report cards. (a) The commissioner
1.6shall report student academic performance under section 120B.35, subdivision 2; the
1.7percentages of students showing low, medium, and high growth under section 120B.35,
1.8subdivision 3
, paragraph (b); school safety and student engagement and connection
1.9under section 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (d); rigorous coursework under section
1.10120B.35, subdivision 3 , paragraph (c); longitudinal data on district and school progress
1.11in reducing disparities in students' academic achievement under section 124D.861,
1.12subdivision 3; two separate student-to-teacher ratios that clearly indicate the definition
1.13of teacher consistent with sections 122A.06 and 122A.15 for purposes of determining
1.14these ratios; staff characteristics excluding salaries; student enrollment demographics;
1.15district mobility; and extracurricular activities. The report also must indicate a school's
1.16adequate yearly progress status, and must not set any designations applicable to high- and
1.17low-performing schools due solely to adequate yearly progress status.
1.18    (b) The commissioner shall develop, annually update, and post on the department
1.19Web site school performance report cards.
1.20    (c) The commissioner must make available performance report cards by the
1.21beginning of each school year.
1.22    (d) A school or district may appeal its adequate yearly progress status in writing to
1.23the commissioner within 30 days of receiving the notice of its status. The commissioner's
1.24decision to uphold or deny an appeal is final.
1.25    (e) School performance report card data are nonpublic data under section 13.02,
1.26subdivision 9
, until the commissioner publicly releases the data. The commissioner shall
1.27annually post school performance report cards to the department's public Web site no later
2.1than September 1, except that in years when the report card reflects new performance
2.2standards, the commissioner shall post the school performance report cards no later than
2.3October 1.
2.4EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2014, an later."
2.5Page 2, line 32, delete "reducing the disparity"
2.6Page 2, delete line 33
2.7Page 2, line 34, delete "realizing racial an economic integration" and insert
2.8"improving the academic achievement of all students and reducing disparities in academic
2.9achievement among student subgroups"
2.10Page 2, line 35, after the period insert "At least 30 days before the formal hearing
2.11under this paragraph, the board must post on the district Web site in an understandable,
2.12readily accessible format up-to-date longitudinal data on district and school progress in
2.13reducing disparities in students' academic achievement, consistent with this subdivision."
2.14Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.15Amend the title accordingly