1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 292 as follows:
1.2Page 1, after line 13 insert:
1.3 "
Subd. 4. Disability. "Disability" has the meaning given under United States Code,
1.4title 42, chapter 126."
1.5Renumber the subdivisions in sequence
1.6Page 2, line 9, before the period insert "
, except that program costs are increased by
1.7$1,000 per employee for an individual with a disability"
1.8Page 2, line 33, delete "
first year" and insert "
training period or 18 months"
1.9Page 3, line 25, delete "
applicant" and insert "
1.10Page 3, line 27, delete "
applicant" and insert "
1.11Page 3, line 30, delete "
applicant" and insert "
1.12Page 3, line 34, after "
under" insert "
section 116L.41,"
1.13Page 5, line 9, delete the semicolon and insert "
, including disaggregate data for new
1.14hires who are individuals with disabilities;"
1.15Page 5, line 10, delete the semicolon and insert "
, including disaggregate data for
1.16new hires who are individuals with disabilities;"