1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 358 as follows:
1.2Page 1, delete section 2
1.3Page 8, after line 21, insert:

1.5(a) To assess the efficiency and other operational issues in the management of the
1.6health care delivery system, the commissioner of human services shall initiate a provider
1.7survey. The pilot survey shall consist of an electronic survey of providers of pediatric
1.8services and children's mental health services to identify and measure issues that arise in
1.9dealing with the management of medical assistance. To the maximum degree possible
1.10existing technology shall be used and interns sought to analyze the results.
1.11(b) The survey questions must focus on seven key business functions provided
1.12by medical assistance contractors: provider inquiries; provider outreach and education;
1.13claims processing; appeals; provider enrollment; medical review; and provider audit and
1.14reimbursement. The commissioner must consider the results of the survey in evaluating
1.15and renewing managed care and fee-for-service management contracts.
1.16(c) The commissioner shall report the results of the survey to the chairs of the Health
1.17and Human Services Policy and Finance Committees and shall make recommendations on
1.18the value of implementing an annual survey with a rotating list of provider groups as a
1.19component of the continuous quality improvement system for medical assistance."
1.20Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.21Amend the title accordingly