1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 409 as follows:
1.2Page 6, line 11, delete "by any medical business entity"
1.3Page 7, delete section 7, and insert:

1.4    "Sec. 7. [469.42] AUTHORITY ESTABLISHED.
1.5    Subdivision 1. Rochester Area Medical Center Development Authority
1.6established, membership. (a) The Rochester Area Medical Center Development
1.7Authority is established. The authority's governing board consists of seven voting
1.8members and two nonvoting members, as follows:
1.9    (1) the mayor of the city, or the mayor's designee, subject to approval by the city
1.11    (2) the city council president, or the city council president's designee, subject
1.12to approval by the city council;
1.13    (3) a representative of the medical business entity defined in section 469.41,
1.14subdivision 8, appointed by the mayor of the city, subject to approval of the city council;
1.15    (4) the chair of the county board, or the chair's designee, subject to approval by the
1.16county board;
1.17    (5) a representative of the medical business entity defined in section 469.41,
1.18subdivision 8, appointed by the governor;
1.19    (6) a resident of the city, appointed by the governor;
1.20    (7) a representative from a statewide labor organization representing the building
1.21trades, appointed by the governor;
1.22    (8) one member of the house of representatives who represents at least a portion
1.23of the city of Rochester to serve as a nonvoting member, appointed by the speaker of
1.24the house of representatives; and
1.25    (9) one member of the senate who represents at least a portion of the city of
1.26Rochester to serve as a nonvoting member, appointed by the Subcommittee on Committees
1.27of the senate Committee on Rules and Administration.
2.1    (b) Appointing authorities must make their appointments as soon as practicable after
2.2the effective date of this section.
2.3    Subd. 2. Terms.
2.4    (a) The term of a member first appointed after the effective date of this section
2.5under subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clauses (1), (2), and (4), serves for a term coterminous
2.6with the term of office.
2.7    (b) The term of a member first appointed after the effective date of this section under
2.8subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clauses (3) and (6), serves from the date of appointment until
2.9the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January 2017. Thereafter, members serve
2.10six-year terms.
2.11    (c)The term of a member first appointed after the effective date of this section under
2.12subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clauses (5) and (7), serves from the date of appointment until
2.13the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January 2020. Thereafter, members serve
2.14six-year terms.
2.15    (d) The nonvoting members serve for two years.
2.16    Subd. 3. Vacancies. A vacancy occurs:
2.17    (1) as provided in section 351.02;
2.18    (2) for a member appointed under subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clauses (1) or (2),
2.19when the mayor or city council president respectively ceases to hold office or ceases
2.20to reside in the city, and under subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause (4), when the chair
2.21of the county board ceases to hold office;
2.22    (3) for a member appointed under subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause (6), when
2.23the member ceases to reside in the city;
2.24    (4) for a legislative appointee, if the member ceases to serve in the state legislature; or
2.25    (5) upon a member's removal under subdivision 4.
2.26A vacancy on the authority board must be filled by the appointing authority for the
2.27balance of the term subject to the same approval required for an appointment for a full
2.28term as provided in subdivision 1.
2.29    Subd. 4. Removal. A member may be removed by the board for inefficiency,
2.30neglect of duty, or misconduct in office. A member may be removed only after a hearing
2.31of the board. A copy of the charges must be given to the board member at least ten days
2.32before the hearing. The board member must be given an opportunity to be heard in person
2.33or by counsel at the hearing. When written charges have been submitted against a board
2.34member, the board may temporarily suspend the member. If the board finds that those
2.35charges have not been substantiated, the board member shall be immediately reinstated. If
3.1a board member is removed, a record of the proceedings, together with the charges and
3.2findings, shall be filed with the office of the appointing authority.
3.3    Subd. 5. Pay. Members must be compensated as provided in section 15.0575,
3.4subdivision 3, for each regular or special authority board meeting attended. In addition,
3.5the board members may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in doing official
3.6business of the authority. All money paid for compensation or reimbursement must be
3.7paid out of the authority's budget.
3.8    Subd. 6. Conflicts of interest. Except for the members appointed under subdivision
3.91, paragraph (a), clauses (3) and (5), to represent the medical business entity, within one
3.10year prior to or at any time during a member's term of service on the authority's governing
3.11board, a member must not be employed by, be a member of the board of directors of, or
3.12otherwise be a representative of the medical business entity, as defined in section 469.41,
3.13subdivision 8, or the medical center economic development corporation, as defined in
3.14section 469.41, subdivision 10. No member may serve as a lobbyist, as defined under
3.15section 10A.01, subdivision 21."
3.16Page 10, delete section 11
3.17Page 10, line 6, after "employ" insert "the state auditor or"
3.18Page 20, line 5, delete "consultant's" and insert "commissioner of revenue's"
3.19Page 20, line 13, delete everything after "(a)"
3.20Page 20, delete lines 14 to 16
3.21Page 20, line 17, delete everything before "The calculation" and insert "The
3.22commissioner of revenue shall determine the amount of each of the designated state taxes
3.23attributable to calendar year 2011, which shall be referred to as the "baseline designated
3.24state tax amount." The commissioner of revenue may retain an independent consultant to
3.25assist with this determination. The amount necessary to pay for any consultant retained by
3.26the commissioner of revenue is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner
3.27and is deducted from any amount transferred to the authority under this section."
3.28Page 20, line 20, delete everything before "the commissioner"
3.29Page 20, line 21, after "provide to" insert "the authority, "
3.30Page 20, line 25, delete everything after "(b)" and insert "On or before April 1, 2014,
3.31the commissioner of revenue shall determine the amount of designated state taxes"
3.32Page 20, delete lines 26 and 27
3.33Page 20, line 28, after "provide to" insert "the authority,"
3.34Page 20, line 31, after the period insert " The commissioner of revenue may retain
3.35an independent consultant to assist with this determination. The amount necessary to
3.36pay for any consultant retained by the commissioner of revenue is appropriated from
4.1the general fund to the commissioner and is deducted from any amount transferred to
4.2the authority under this section."
4.3Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
4.4Amend the title accordingly