1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 409 as follows:
1.2Page 14, line 34, after the period insert "
Nothing in sections 469.40 to 469.53 shall
1.3relieve the authority's governing board of its duties and powers to adopt the development
1.4plan or to exercise the judgment or discretion of the authority to finance projects or
1.5otherwise expend public funds."
1.6Page 16, delete subdivision 9 and insert:
1.7 "
Subd. 9. Contracts for services. The authority may contract for the services of
1.8consultants, including the medical center economic development corporation, and agents,
1.9public accountants, legal counsel, and other persons needed to assist the authority in
1.10performing its duties and exercising its powers. The authority may contract with the city
1.11or county to provide administrative, clerical, and accounting services to the authority.
1.12Nothing in sections 469.40 to 469.53 relieves the authority's governing board of its duties
1.13and powers to adopt the development plan or to exercise the judgment or discretion of the
1.14authority to finance projects or otherwise expend public funds. Any contract for services
1.15between the authority and the medical center development corporation paid, in whole or
1.16in part, with public money shall give the authority and the state auditor the right to audit
1.17the books and records of the medical center development corporation that are necessary
1.18to certify (1) the nature and extent of the services furnished pursuant to the contract and
1.19(2) that the payment for services and related disbursements complies with all state laws,
1.20regulations, and the terms of the contract. Any contract for services between the authority
1.21and the medical center development corporation paid, in whole or in part, with public
1.22money shall require the authority to maintain, during the term of the contract, and for a
1.23period of at least ... years thereafter, accurate and complete books and records directly
1.24relating to the contract."