1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 458, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 8, delete "
12" and insert "
1.3Page 1, line 9, after "
a product" insert "
1.4Page 1, line 12, delete "
toy" and insert "
children's toys that are covered by the ASTM
1.5International F963 standard for Toy Safety,"
1.6Page 1, delete lines 17 to 21 and insert:
(a) Beginning August 1, 2014, no manufacturer or wholesaler may sell or offer for
1.8sale in this state a children's product that intentionally contains:
1.9(1) formaldehyde, including formaldehyde contained in a solution; or
1.10(2) ingredients that chemically degrade under normal conditions of temperature and
1.11pressure to release formaldehyde.
1.12(b) Beginning August 1, 2015, no retailer may sell or offer for sale in this state a
1.13children's product that intentionally contains:
1.14(1) formaldehyde, including formaldehyde contained in a solution; or
1.15(2) ingredients that chemically degrade under normal conditions of temperature and
1.16pressure to release formaldehyde."