1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 636 as follows:
1.2Page 2, line 31, after "
wiring" insert "
on the load side of the elevator disconnect"
1.3Page 5, line 19, after "
4-year" insert "
elevator mechanics"
1.4Page 6, line 35, delete "
9" and insert "
1.5Page 9, line 1, delete "
7" and insert "
1.6Page 10, after line 5, insert:
1.7 "Sec. .... Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 326B.187, is amended to read:
1.8326B.187 RULES.
1.9 The commissioner may adopt rules for the following purposes:
1.10 (1) to establish minimum qualifications for elevator inspectors that must include
1.11possession of a current elevator constructor
electrician's license issued by the department
1.12and proof of successful completion of the national elevator industry education program
1.13examination or equivalent experience;
1.14 (2) to establish minimum qualifications for limited elevator inspectors;
1.15 (3) to establish criteria for the qualifications of elevator contractors;
1.16 (4) to establish elevator standards under sections
326B.106, subdivisions 1 and 3,
1.18 (5) to establish procedures for appeals of decisions of the commissioner under
1.19chapter 14 and procedures allowing the commissioner, before issuing a decision, to seek
1.20advice from the elevator trade, building owners or managers, and others knowledgeable in
1.21the installation, construction, and repair of elevators; and
1.22 (6) to establish requirements for the registration of all elevators."
1.23Page 13, line 13, delete "
16" and insert "
1.24Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.25Amend the title as follows:
1.26Page 1, line 4, after the first semicolon, insert "326B.187;"