1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 662 as follows:
1.2Page 1, after line 19, insert:

1.3    "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 144.1501, subdivision 4, is amended to
1.5    Subd. 4. Loan forgiveness. The commissioner of health may select applicants
1.6each year for participation in the loan forgiveness program, within the limits of available
1.7funding. The commissioner shall distribute available funds for loan forgiveness
1.8proportionally among the eligible professions according to the vacancy rate for each
1.9profession in the required geographic area, facility type, teaching area, patient group,
1.10or specialty type specified in subdivision 2. The commissioner shall allocate funds for
1.11physician loan forgiveness so that 75 percent of the funds available are used for rural
1.12physician loan forgiveness and 25 percent of the funds available are used for underserved
1.13urban communities and pediatric psychiatry loan forgiveness. If the commissioner does
1.14not receive enough qualified applicants each year to use the entire allocation of funds for
1.15any eligible profession, the remaining funds may be allocated proportionally among the
1.16other eligible professions according to the vacancy rate for each profession in the required
1.17geographic area, patient group, or facility type specified in subdivision 2. Applicants are
1.18responsible for securing their own qualified educational loans. The commissioner shall
1.19select participants based on their suitability for practice serving the required geographic
1.20area or facility type specified in subdivision 2, as indicated by experience or training. The
1.21commissioner shall give preference to applicants closest to completing their training.
1.22For each year that a participant meets the service obligation required under subdivision
1.233, up to a maximum of four years, the commissioner shall make annual disbursements
1.24directly to the participant equivalent to 15 percent of the average educational debt for
1.25indebted graduates in their profession in the year closest to the applicant's selection for
1.26which information is available, not to exceed the balance of the participant's qualifying
1.27educational loans. Before receiving loan repayment disbursements and as requested, the
2.1participant must complete and return to the commissioner an affidavit a confirmation of
2.2practice form provided by the commissioner verifying that the participant is practicing
2.3as required under subdivisions 2 and 3. The participant must provide the commissioner
2.4with verification that the full amount of loan repayment disbursement received by the
2.5participant has been applied toward the designated loans. After each disbursement,
2.6verification must be received by the commissioner and approved before the next loan
2.7repayment disbursement is made. Participants who move their practice remain eligible for
2.8loan repayment as long as they practice as required under subdivision 2."
2.9Page 16, line 6, reinstate the stricken "a" and delete "an occupational therapy" and
2.10strike "practitioner" and insert "licensed occupational therapist"
2.11Page 22, delete section 23 and insert:

2.12    "Sec. 23. REPEALER.
2.13Minnesota Statutes 2012, sections 144.1487; 144.1488, subdivisions 1, 3, and 4;
2.14144.1489; 144.1490; and 144.1491, are repealed."
2.15Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.16Amend the title accordingly