1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 677, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 111, line 6, before "
all" insert "
Except as otherwise provided by paragraph (f),"
1.3Page 153, line 10, after "
Dodge Center," insert "
1.4Page 171, after line 7, insert:
(5) one representative of labor, appointed by the city council from among three
1.6candidates nominated by the Southeast Minnesota Area Labor Council;"
1.7Page 171, line 8, delete "
(5) two representatives " and insert "
(6) one representative "
1.8Page 171, line 9, delete "
five" and insert "
1.9Page 171, line 11, delete "
6" and insert "
1.10Page 177, line 12, after the period, insert "
The tax authorized under this section is in
1.11addition to any tax the county may be authorized to impose under section 163.051, but until
1.12January 1, 2018 the county tax imposed under this paragraph, in combination with any tax
1.13imposed under section 163.051, must equal the specified rate under section 163.051."
1.14Page 180, line 4, after "
equals" insert "
the lesser of (1) 40 percent of the state transit
1.15aid under subdivision 5, or (2)"