1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 826 as follows:
1.2Page 17, delete section 14 and insert:
1.3 "Sec. 14.
1.4 Subdivision 1. Establishment and membership. (a) A multiagency leadership
1.5council is established to improve school climate and school safety so that all Minnesota
1.6students in prekindergarten through grade 12 schools and higher education institutions
1.7are provided with safe and welcoming learning environments in order to maximize each
1.8student's learning potential.
1.9(b) The council shall consist of:
1.10(1) the commissioners or their designees from the Departments of Education, Health,
1.11Human Rights, Human Services, Public Safety, and Corrections and the Office of Higher
1.12Education, a representative from the Board of Teaching selected by the board, and two
1.13representatives of the judicial branch as selected by the chief justice of the Supreme Court;
1.14(2) one representative from the Board of School Administrators, Minnesota School
1.15Boards Association, Elementary School Principals Association, Association of Secondary
1.16School Principals, and Education Minnesota from each congressional district as selected
1.17by each organization;
1.18(3) one representative for student support personnel, parents, and students from each
1.19congressional district as selected by the commissioner of education; and
1.20(4) one representative of local law enforcement from each congressional district as
1.21selected by the commissioner of public safety.
1.22 Subd. 2. Duties. The council must provide leadership for the following activities:
1.23(1) establishment of norms and standards for prevention, intervention, and support
1.24around issues of bullying, harassment, and intimidation;
1.25(2) advancement of evidence-based policy and best practices to improve school
1.26climate and promote school safety; and
2.1(3) development and dissemination of resources and training for schools and
2.2communities about issues of bullying, harassment, and intimidation and other school
2.3safety-related issues."