1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 826 as follows:
1.2Page 9, line 4, after "
121A.56" insert "
, except notwithstanding other law to the
1.3contrary, a board may suspend without pay a teacher or other district or school employee
1.4who is reported under subdivision 4 to have engaged in prohibited conduct against a
1.5student. If the investigation and resulting record show the teacher engaged in the prohibited
1.6conduct against the student, the board may immediately discharge the teacher or other
1.7employee. If a teacher or other employee is suspended without pay and the investigation
1.8and resulting record show the teacher did not engage in the prohibited conduct, the board
1.9must reimburse the teacher or other employee for any salary or compensation withheld"
1.10Page 19, after line 19, insert "
To effect clause (3) and assist in protecting students
1.11from prohibited conduct by adults, the center must recommend to districts and schools the
1.12process by which they may suspend and discharge a teacher or other district or school
1.13employee who is shown to have engaged in prohibited conduct against a student under
1.14section 121A.031."