1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 826 as follows:
1.2Page 3, line 34, delete "
1.3Page 3, line 36, after "
of" insert "
1.4Page 4, line 28, after "
by" insert "
1.5Page 4, line 35, after "
transmitting" insert "
or otherwise communicating"
1.6Page 5, line 24, delete "
and informal"
1.7Page 5, line 31, delete "
promptly report that information to the"
1.8Page 5, line 32, delete "
primary contact person" and insert "
make reasonable efforts
1.9to address and resolve the prohibited conduct to the extent it does not materially disrupt
1.10the education process"
1.11Page 5, line 33, after "
(3)" insert "
where prohibited conduct appears to materially
1.12disrupt the education process,"
1.13Page 8, line 32, delete "
1.14Page 9, delete lines 3 and 4