1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 950, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H0950DE1), as follows:
1.3Page 2, line 5, delete everything after the period
1.4Page 2, delete lines 6 to 10 and insert "
Family child care providers have the rights
1.5and obligations of public employees solely for purposes related to meeting and negotiating
1.6on issues specifically set forth in subdivision 5, paragraph (c), and purposes related to
1.7meeting and conferring as provided in this section. This section does not grant family
1.8child care providers status as public employees for any other purpose than use of chapter
1.9179A procedures for the right to organize, mediate, and negotiate related to the issues in
1.10subdivision 5, paragraph (c) and to meet and confer as set forth in this section. Chapter
1.11179A applies to the relations between the state, the exclusive representative, and family
1.12child care providers only for purposes of in this section. Family child care providers have
1.13the same rights to interest arbitration provided under section 179A.16, subdivision 2, to
1.14essential employees. Family child care providers do not have the right to strike."
1.15Page 2, delete subdivision 5 and insert:
1.16 "
Subd. 5. Meet and negotiate; meet and confer. (a) If the commissioner certifies
1.17a labor organization as the majority exclusive representative, the state through the
1.18commissioner of management and budget, shall meet and negotiate in good faith with the
1.19exclusive representative of the family child care unit regarding issues set forth in paragraph
1.20(c), but this obligation does not compel the state or its representatives to agree to a proposal
1.21or require the making of a concession. The commissioner of management and budget is
1.22authorized to enter into agreements with the exclusive representative on issued specified
1.23in paragraph (c). Negotiated agreements and arbitration decisions must be submitted to
1.24the legislature to be accepted or rejected in accordance with sections 3.855 and 179A.22.
1.25(b) The state has an obligation to meet and confer under chapter 179A with family
1.26child care providers to discuss policies and other matters relating to their working
2.1(c) The commissioner of management and budget shall meet and negotiate with the
2.2exclusive representative on the following issues:
2.3(1) child care assistance reimbursement rates under chapter 119B;
2.4(2) fringe benefits, but not retirement contributions or benefits, and not other benefits
2.5to paid when a person is no longer a family child care provider; and
2.6(3) grievance procedures regarding matters in clauses (1) and (2).
2.7(d) Any portion of a negotiated or arbitrated agreement that would require a change
2.8in statute or rule may not take effect until the statute or rule is changed in a manner that
2.9would make the agreement comply with the statute or rule."
2.10Page 3, line 9, after "
citizen" insert "
, including other family child care providers,"
2.11and after "
policy" insert "
on any issue that is not specified in subdivision 5, paragraph (c)"