1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 950, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 3, line 10, before "
After" insert "
1.3Page 3, after line 19, insert:
(b) Employees in the unit of family child care providers may obtain a decertification
1.5election upon petition to the commissioner of mediation services stating that at least ten
1.6percent of the employees in the unit wish to be unrepresented."
1.7Page 6, line 28, before "
Beginning" insert "
1.8Page 7, after line 2, insert:
(b) Employees in the unit of individual providers may obtain a decertification
1.10election upon petition to the commissioner of mediation services stating that at least ten
1.11percent of the employees in the unit wish to be unrepresented."