1.1.................... moves to amend the H1114A8 amendment to H.F. No. 1114 as follows:
1.2Page 1, before line 2, insert:
1.3"Page 18, after line 33, insert:

1.4    Sec. 12. [245A.1446] FAMILY CHILD CARE DIAPERING AREA
1.6Notwithstanding Minnesota Rules, part 9502.0435, a family child care provider may
1.7disinfect the diaper changing surface with either a solution of at least two teaspoons
1.8of chlorine bleach to one quart of water or with a surface disinfectant that meets the
1.9following criteria:
1.10(1) the manufacturer's label or instructions states that the product is registered with
1.11the United States Environmental Protection Agency;
1.12(2) the manufacturer's label or instructions state that the disinfectant is effective
1.13against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella choleraesuis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
1.14(3) the manufacturer's label or instructions state that the disinfectant is effective with
1.15a ten minute or less contact time;
1.16(4) the disinfectant is clearly labeled by the manufacturer with directions for mixing
1.17and use; and
1.18(5) the disinfectant is used only in accordance with the manufacturer's directions."