1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1175 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 7, before "
The" insert "
1.3Page 1, line 13, after "
piloted" insert "
for at least three years"
1.4Page 1, line 14, delete everything after "
state" and insert a period
1.5Page 1, delete line 15
1.6Page 1, after line 15, insert:
(b) The commissioner must implement the three-year pilot program according to
1.8the recommendations of the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program
1.9Advisory Committee. Specifically, the commissioner must:
1.10(1) select pilot locations that represent characteristics of the three primary
1.11agricultural regions of the state: northwest, central-southwest, and southeast. The
1.12commissioner also must give consideration to locations in the Sentinel Watershed program
1.13and areas with a locally-representative diversity of agriculture;
1.14(2) establish a three-year duration for the pilot projects in order to fully sample
1.15different weather conditions, production systems, and implementation practices and to
1.16emphasize replication of successful program implementation and operation on a local scale;
1.17(3) target pilot areas by 12-digit hydrologic unit codes to enable a watershed basis
1.18while providing opportunity for potential pilot assessment on a county basis;
1.19(4) utilize the pilot-selection framework recommended by the Certainty
1.20Subcommittee; and
1.21(5) utilize measurement metrics to establish the features necessary for a successful
1.23Page 2, line 15, after the period insert "
"Effective control" does not mean possession
1.24of land by written lease or other legal agreement if the land's owner does not assent to the
1.25producer enrolling the land in the program."
2.1Page 3, line 30, after the period insert "
A producer may enroll agricultural land that
2.2the producer farms according to a lease or other legal agreement but does not own if the
2.3producer has the consent of the landowner."
2.4Page 4, line 7, delete "
state rules" and insert "
rules issued by any state agency"
2.5Page 4, line 9, after "
any" insert "
Total Maximum Daily Load implementation plan
2.6or other"
2.7Page 5, line 1, delete "
a" and insert "
2.8Page 5, line 2, delete "
biennial" and insert "