1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1183, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 2, line 6, delete, "
50,674,000" and insert "
1.3Page 16, line 22, delete everything after "
to" and insert "
mesic forest, oak savanna,
1.4and prairie"
1.5Page 73, line 1, delete everything after "
for" and insert "
construction at"
1.6Page 73, delete lines 22 to 28, and insert:
(1) parking, buildings, and other
1.8improvements at the Swim Pond in Lake
1.9Elmo Park Reserve;
1.10(2) design and construction of the Point
1.11Douglas Regional Trail, which connects to
1.12Wisconsin; and
1.13(3) paving improvements to Hardwood Creek
1.14Regional Trail, which may include new trail
1.15sections toward Bald Eagle Regional Park."