1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1233, the delete everything amendment
1.2(A13-0408), as follows:
1.3Page 206, lines 31 and 32, delete the new language
1.4Page 206, line 34, after the period, insert "
For licensing the physical plant of a
1.5community residential setting under this chapter, a county agency may charge a fee to an
1.6applicant or license holder, not to exceed $50 per licensing inspection."
1.7Page 214, delete lines 33 to 35
1.8Page 215, delete lines 1 and 2
1.9Page 215, lines 5, 6, 8, 9, 12 and 13, delete the new language
1.10Page 215, line 13, after the period, insert:
(b) Services in a community residential setting may be provided using technology
1.12for overnight supervision."
1.13Page 215, line 18, strike "(b)" and insert "
1.14Page 215, line 20, reinstate the stricken language
1.15Page 215, line 21, after "agency" insert "
of any applications for an adult foster care
1.16license with alternative overnight supervision"
1.17Page 215, line 22, after the fourth "the" insert "
adult foster care"
1.18Page 215, line 23, strike "(c)" and insert "
1.19Page 215, line 26, strike "(d)" and insert "
(e)" and strike "(f)" and insert "
(g)" and
1.20after the period, insert "
A license holder for an adult foster care home that has been
1.21granted an alternative foster care license will not need to resubmit documentation when
1.22the license converts to a community residential setting license."
1.23Page 215, line 27, strike "(d)" and insert "
1.24Page 216, lines 1, 4, 8, 15, and 19, strike "(e)" and insert "
1.25Page 217, line 13, strike "(f)" and insert "
1.26Page 217, lines 18 and 28, strike "(e)" and insert "
1.27Page 218, line 4, strike "(g)" and insert "
2.1Page 218, line 8, strike "(h)" and insert "
2.2Page 218, line 10, strike "(i)" and insert "
(j)" and strike "(d)" and insert "
(e)" and
2.3strike "(h)" and insert "
2.4Page 218, line 13, strike "(j)" and insert "
(k)" and strike "(e)" and insert "
2.5Page 218, line 16, strike "(k)" and insert "
2.6Page 218, line 17, strike "(d)" and insert "
(e)" and strike "(f)" and insert "
2.7Page 218, line 19, strike "(l)" and insert "
(m)" and delete the new language
2.8Page 218, lines 20 and 23, delete the new language
2.9Page 218, line 24, strike "(m)" and insert "
2.10Page 219, line 1, strike "(n)" and insert "
(o)" and strike "(m)" and insert "
2.11Page 219, line 4, strike "(o)" and insert "
2.12Page 229, line 4, after "
staff" insert "
or an alternative method of oversight"
2.13Page 237, line 4, delete "
semiannually" and insert "
2.14Page 242, line 23, delete "
the license holder" and insert "
2.15Page 242, line 24, delete everything after the period
2.16Page 242, delete line 25
2.17Page 245, line 3, strike "is available on site" and delete the new language and insert
is available on site whenever persons are present and staff are required to be at the site
2.19to provide direct service. When"
2.20Page 245, line 5, delete the first comma and insert "
a staff person trained in" and
2.21strike everything after the second comma and insert "
must be at the site to provide direct
2.22service when the person is at the site. The training for cardiopulmonary resuscitation"
2.23Page 245, line 6, strike existing language and delete "
. The training"
2.24Page 245, line 8, delete "
first aid" and insert "
2.25Page 252, line 30, delete "
planning and" and insert "
approach to"
2.26Page 255, line 23, after "
of" insert "
2.27Page 266, line 19, delete "
keep" and insert "
be able to produce"
2.28Page 271, line 18, after "notice" insert "
to all persons or their legal representatives
2.29and case managers"
2.30Page 271, delete lines 28 to 32
2.31Page 276, line 30, delete everything after "
2.32Page 276, delete lines 31 to 35, and insert "
A staff person who is trained in basic
2.33first aid is available on site whenever persons are present and staff are required to be at
2.34the site to provide direct service. When required in a person's coordinated service and
2.35support plan or coordinated service and support plan addendum, a staff person trained
2.36in cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be at the site to provide direct service when
3.1the person is at the site. The training for cardiopulmonary resuscitation must include
3.2in-person instruction, hands-on practice, and an observed skills assessment under the
3.3direct supervision of a CPR instructor."
3.4Page 279, delete lines 1 to 4