1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1233, the delete everything amendment
1.2(A13-0408), as follows:
1.3Page 141, after line 6, insert:
1.4 "Sec. ....
1.6(a) Effective immediately, the commissioner of human services shall work with
1.7counties that request assistance to assure timely discharge from Anoka Metro Regional
1.8Treatment Center and the Minnesota Security Hospital for individuals who are ready
1.9for discharge but for whom the county may not have provider resources or appropriate
1.10placement available. Special consideration must be given to uninsured individuals who are
1.11not eligible for medical assistance and who may need continued treatment, and individuals
1.12with complex needs and other factors that hinder county efforts to place the individual in a
1.13safe, affordable setting.
1.14(b) The commissioner shall assure that, given Olmstead court directives and the
1.15role family and friends play in treatment progress, metropolitan area residents are asked
1.16whether they wished to be placed in an Intensive Residential Treatment Service program
1.17at Willmar or Cambridge or to be placed in a location more accessible to family, friends,
1.18and health providers."
1.19Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.20Amend the title accordingly