1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1335, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 13, delete "
any individual" and insert "
1.3Page 1, line 23, delete "
an individual" and insert "
1.4Page 2, lines 6 and 7, strike "any individual" and insert "
1.5Page 3, line 8, strike "any individual" and insert "
1.6Page 3, lines 16, 19, and 23, strike "any individual" and insert "
1.7Page 3, line 27, after "harm" insert "
to another"
1.8Page 3, line 30, strike "2," and strike "4,"
1.9Page 3, after line 31, insert:
(d) The driver of any vehicle involved in a collision resulting in damage to an
1.11attended vehicle who violates subdivision 2 is guilty of a misdemeanor.
1.12(e) The driver of any vehicle involved in a collision resulting in damage to an
1.13unattended vehicle who violates subdivision 4 is guilty of a misdemeanor."
1.14Page 3, line 32, strike "(d)" and insert "