1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1337 as follows:
1.2Page 6, after line 5, insert
The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities chancellor, in consultation with the
1.4commissioner, must establish, validate, and publish in an electronic or other readily
1.5accessible format the minimum scores on the reading, math, and English sections of the
1.6college entrance exam that demonstrate preparedness sufficient for a student to enroll
1.7in a postsecondary certificate-level program or a two-year or four-year postsecondary
1.8degree granting program and have a reasonable chance to succeed in the program without
1.9remediation. Students who successfully complete all state and local course work and
1.10credits required for graduation by the school board granting the student the diploma and
1.11who achieve the minimum reading, math, and English scores established by the chancellor
1.12are eligible to receive a high school diploma."
1.13Page 6, delete lines 16 and 17