1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1733 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1.
1.5$750,000 in fiscal year 2015 is appropriated from the general fund to the
1.6commissioner of health for regional poison information centers under Minnesota Statutes,
1.7section 145.93. This appropriation is added to the base. This appropriation shall be used
1.8for the following purposes:
1.9(1) to enhance staffing sufficient to meet national accreditation standards;
1.10(2) for health care provider education and training in toxicology and poison control;
1.11(3) for public health surveillance of emerging toxicology and poison issues; and
1.12(4) to cooperate with local public health agencies and the Department of Health,
1.13poison control outreach and education efforts targeted to children, disadvantaged
1.14communities, and immigrants.
1.15 Sec. 2.
1.16The commissioner of health shall review the duties of poison information centers
1.17under Minnesota Statutes, section 145.93, and make recommendations for the appropriate
1.18level of funding necessary for the continued operation of a single integrated poison control
1.19system, and to determine the financial and public health benefits provided by the state's
1.20poison control system to the state's health care system, including payers, providers, and
1.21medical education institutions."
1.22Amend the title accordingly