1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1779, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H1779DE1), as follows:
1.3Page 8, line 9, after "completed" insert "
1.4Page 8, line 10, delete "
year" and insert "
two years" and after the period insert
On the years when the license holder is not receiving the in-person training on sudden
1.6unexpected infant death reduction, the license holder must receive sudden unexpected
1.7infant death reduction training through a video of no more than one hour in length
1.8developed or approved by the commissioner."
1.9Page 8, line 21, after "be" insert "
developed by the commissioner in conjunction
1.10with the Minnesota Sudden Infant Death Center and" and after "approved" insert "
by the
1.11Minnesota Center for Professional Development."
1.12Page 8, delete line 22