1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1992, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 15, after "disabilities" insert "
who are receiving services under a home
1.3and community-based waiver"
1.4Page 2, line 20, after the comma insert "
based on the consultation with interested
1.5stakeholders as specified in subdivision 3,"
1.6Page 3, line 30, delete "
30" and insert "
1.7Page 4, line 14, delete "
No later than January 1, 2015,"
1.8Page 4, line 15, delete "
convene a group of" and insert "
consult with"
1.9Page 4, line 17, delete "
shall include the criteria by which" and insert "
for" and
1.10delete "
submitted" and insert "
shall be based upon the criteria" and delete "
1.11Page 4, line 18, delete "
be evaluated"
1.12Page 4, line 19, delete "
stakeholders group shall include" and insert "
1.13must consult with"
1.14Page 4, line 22, after the first "
and" delete "