1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2001 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2013 Supplement, section 245A.1435, is amended to
1.7 (a) When a license holder is placing an infant to sleep, the license holder must place
1.8the infant on the infant's back, unless the license holder has documentation from the
1.9infant's physician directing an alternative sleeping position for the infant. The physician
1.10directive must be on a form approved by the commissioner and must remain on file at the
1.11licensed location. An infant who independently rolls onto its stomach after being placed to
1.12sleep on its back may be allowed to remain sleeping on its stomach if the infant is at least
1.13six months of age or the license holder has a signed statement from the parent indicating
1.14that the infant regularly rolls over at home.
1.15(b) The license holder must place the infant in a crib directly on a firm mattress with
1.16a fitted sheet that is appropriate to the mattress size, that fits tightly on the mattress, and
1.17overlaps the underside of the mattress so it cannot be dislodged by pulling on the corner of
1.18the sheet with reasonable effort. The license holder must not place anything in the crib with
1.19the infant except for the infant's pacifier, as defined in Code of Federal Regulations, title 16,
1.20part 1511. The requirements of this section apply to license holders serving infants younger
1.21than one year of age. Licensed child care providers must meet the crib requirements under
A correction order shall not be issued under this paragraph unless there
1.23is evidence that a violation occurred when an infant was present in the license holder's care.
1.24(c) If an infant falls asleep before being placed in a crib, the license holder must
1.25move the infant to a crib as soon as practicable, and must keep the infant within sight of
1.26the license holder until the infant is placed in a crib. When an infant falls asleep while
2.1being held, the license holder must consider the supervision needs of other children in
2.2care when determining how long to hold the infant before placing the infant in a crib to
2.3sleep. The sleeping infant must not be in a position where the airway may be blocked or
2.4with anything covering the infant's face.
2.5(d) Placing a swaddled infant down to sleep in a licensed setting is not recommended
2.6for an infant of any age and is prohibited for any infant who has begun to roll over
2.7independently. However, with the written consent of a parent or guardian according to this
2.8paragraph, a license holder may place the infant who has not yet begun to roll over on its
2.9own down to sleep in a one-piece sleeper equipped with an attached system that fastens
2.10securely only across the upper torso, with no constriction of the hips or legs, to create a
2.11swaddle. Prior to any use of swaddling for sleep by a provider licensed under this chapter,
2.12the license holder must obtain informed written consent for the use of swaddling from the
2.13parent or guardian of the infant on a form provided by the commissioner and prepared in
2.14partnership with the Minnesota Sudden Infant Death Center.
2.15(e) A license holder must be able to show a safe sleep space readily available for
2.16each infant present in the license holder's care. Each safe sleep space must meet the
2.17requirements of this subdivision.
2.18 Sec. 2.
2.20 Contractors who serve multiple family child care holders may request that the
2.21county agency maintain a record of:
2.22 (1) the contractor's background study results as required in 245C.04, subdivision 7, to
2.23verify that the contractor is does not have a disqualification or a disqualification that has not
2.24been set aside and is eligible to provide direct contact services in a licensed program; and
2.25 (2) the contractor's compliance with training requirements.
2.26 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2013 Supplement, section 245A.50, subdivision 5, is
2.27amended to read:
2.28 Subd. 5.
Sudden unexpected infant death and abusive head trauma training.
2.29 (a) License holders must document that before staff persons, caregivers, and helpers
2.30assist in the care of infants, they are instructed on the standards in section
245A.1435 and
2.31receive training on reducing the risk of sudden unexpected infant death. In addition,
2.32license holders must document that before staff persons, caregivers, and helpers assist in
2.33the care of infants and children under school age, they receive training on reducing the
2.34risk of abusive head trauma from shaking infants and young children. The training in this
3.1subdivision may be provided as initial training under subdivision 1 or ongoing annual
3.2training under subdivision 7.
3.3 (b) Sudden unexpected infant death reduction training required under this subdivision
be at least one-half hour in length and must be completed in person at least once
3.5every two years. On the years when the license holder is not receiving the in-person
3.6training on sudden unexpected infant death reduction, the license holder must receive
3.7sudden unexpected infant death reduction training through a video of no more than one
3.8hour in length developed or approved by the commissioner., at a minimum,
the training
3.9must address the risk factors related to sudden unexpected infant death, means of reducing
3.10the risk of sudden unexpected infant death in child care, and license holder communication
3.11with parents regarding reducing the risk of sudden unexpected infant death.
3.12 (c) Abusive head trauma training required under this subdivision must
be at least
3.13one-half hour in length and must be completed at least once every year., at a minimum,
3.14the training must address the risk factors related to shaking infants and young children,
3.15means of reducing the risk of abusive head trauma in child care, and license holder
3.16communication with parents regarding reducing the risk of abusive head trauma.
3.17(d) Training for family and group family child care providers must be developed
3.18by the commissioner in conjunction with the Minnesota Sudden Infant Death Center and
3.19approved by the Minnesota Center for Professional Development.
Sudden unexpected
3.20infant death reduction training and abusive head trauma training shall be provided in a
3.21single course of no more than two hours in length.
3.22(e) Sudden unexpected infant death reduction training and abusive head trauma
3.23training required under this subdivision must be completed in person or as allowed under
3.24subdivision 10, clauses (1) or (2), at least once every two years. On the years when the
3.25license holder is not receiving these trainings training in-person or as allowed under
3.26subdivision 10, clauses (1) or (2), the license holder must receive sudden unexpected infant
3.27death reduction training and abusive head trauma training through a video of no more than
3.28one hour in length. The video must be developed or approved by the commissioner.
3.29EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2015.
3.30 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 245C.04, is amended by adding a subdivision
3.31to read:
3.32 Subd. 7. Current or prospective contractors serving multiple family child care
3.33license holders. Current or prospective contractors who are required to have a background
3.34study under section 245C.03, subdivision 1, provide services for multiple family child
3.35care license holders in a single county, and will have direct contact with children served
4.1in the family child care setting are required to have only one background study which is
4.2transferable to all family child care programs in that county if:
4.3 (1) the county agency maintains a record of the contractor's background study results
4.4which verify the contractor is approved to have direct contact with children receiving
4.6 (2) the license holder contacts the county agency and obtains notice that the current
4.7or prospective contractor is in compliance with background study requirements and
4.8approved to have direct contact; and
4.9 (3) the contractor's background study is repeated every two years."