1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2150, the delete everything amendment
1.2(A14-0976), as follows:
1.3Page 32, line 27, delete everything before "
transferring" and insert "
(b) Before the
1.4kinship placement agreement is signed for the purpose of"
1.5Page 33, line 3, after the period, insert "
The commissioner and the county agency
1.6shall expedite any request for a set aside or variance for a background study required
1.7under chapter 256N."
1.8Page 46, lines 10 and 11, delete the new language
1.9Page 47, line 12, delete "
1.10Page 47, after line 12 insert:
(9) the court may finalize a permanent transfer of physical and legal custody to a
1.12relative regardless of eligibility for Northstar kinship assistance under chapter 256N; and"
1.13Page 47, line 13, delete "
(9)" and insert "